Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Things are rolling along!

Well, I'm very pleased to announce that I was able to reach a certain level of productivity over Christmas break! I completed a preliminary draft of my first chapter while I was home, and since classes have been back in session, I've been able to work on part of the chapter two rough draft!

Word Count: 3,675 / 4,623
Page Count: 14 / 18
Current Chapter: 2

As you might have noticed, I've added a second set of digits to the tabulated word and page counts. This second amount includes any additional prose writings that go above and beyond the current, chronological chapter work. (These are excerpts that might be included in later chapters... somewhere.) So far, I have nearly a thousand extra words that I've been playing around with when the inspiration as struck me.

On Thursday night, I will be meeting with my critique group for the first time with a completed chapter. I'm excited to hear the feedback on my work - and a little nervous as well. I'll be sure to update as soon as I can on any further developments - and perhaps possibly put up a few small excerpts!

Until next time,

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